Friday, 30 March 2012

Purpose Mingled In Destiny

I tried my best to view the past with the periscope of the future
the thin line between success and determination was obvious.
It would be an assumption to bury this thought in state of thought,
because the future can only be viewed from its application

Just imagine that each day was a passing wave of emptiness;
then tomorrow would be filled with a gapping hollow.
But since each hour of earth’s complete revolution
is not designed to conform to the same series of events and activities,
A repeat event subsequently might only be very similar but not exactly the same.
It is therefore evident that life presents an opportunity
to mould and remould, correct and dissect;
in fact life in itself is the apparatus that controls every action
pre-empted, concluded or being processed per time.

Can we then say that we are the architects of our own tomorrow?
 Then where is the place of purpose in nature’s control of events?
What will happen when nature takes its rage on a purpose?
Should we assume that man must manipulate his course of action
to fit into nature’s coloration of destiny?
Eventually some things will be shaped to fit a perfect design
whilst others will conform to the will-force of nature’s creation.

The solution to this dissonance remains in the power from within;
deep down where the mechanism for every action is constructed,
like the onion within the onion of the onion in an onion bulb.
Each day is nourished with the thought of how yesterday’s events
will affect today’s assignments and how the summary of both
will determine the unknown. That is the place of purpose in man’s destiny
or we should say that it is the effect of destiny on man’s purposeful living. 

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