Wednesday, 27 June 2012

How's your Booboo Doing?

How’s your booboo doing?
Hope great “like rock and shine?”
Sweet melodies of happiness, pop corn with soda crowns

How’s your booboo smiling?
With dimples one per cheek?
Mild curved-lips basked in sparkling teeth, a chuckle in-between

How’s your booboo feeling?
That forever you’re his own?
No pain or foe, friend sis or bro, must make you break the bow.

So tell me how you’re feeling?
Much sunshine clasped in glory?
Yea with a boo and fine as yours, there is no need to worry.

-By Olaolu Abimbola -June 27, 2012 

Monday, 18 June 2012


Grass Beautiful
Green, red, yellow;
On  land or water,
Soft like marshmallows
Grows everywhere, “softeners”

Planted by no one
Watered by sky or sea
Its use, most mammals recall
Scattered abroad for all to see

Some soft, others sharp
Some long, others short
Some thick, others flat
Some blond, others another form

Dies at night, alive with the sun
Taken for granted,
Abused with scorn
Yet spreads it seeds even when unwanted

Sometimes seen as a mess
But with care it remains a beauty to see
With soft colors, your day it could bless
With shine, serenity and peace.

Grass beautiful
Who calls you ugly that can make you?
Grass wonderful
Who cuts you that can for ever break you?

Written by Olaolu Abimbola for Gloria Jacobs on the day she celebrates good life – June 18, 2012
